Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Life is a Bowl of Coffee Cherries

Many people don't realize it, but coffee "beans" are actually the seeds of coffee fruits. Coffee fruits, when ripe, are red like cherries. In fact, we call them coffee cherries! They have a small amount of very sweet fruit encasing the beloved "bean."

In the picture above, the bowl of coffee cherries is sitting on a bed of "parchment" coffee. Parchment coffee is the coffee beans (seeds) before they have been hulled. Here they are spread out in the sun to dry after washing all of the fruit material off of them. After they are hulled the beans are called "green" coffee, because of their green color. This is coffee before it is roasted. Only when it is roasted does it turn a deep brown color with amazing aroma!

We're grinding these roasted beans and pulling shots of espresso for you now at the Saffron Espresso Caffè on the banks of the Mekong in Luang Prabang, Laos!


Courtney Patch said...

i'm trying to convince jeremy that we need to go to luang prabang for our honeymoon:) love this post! and photo.

Tou and David said...

Hey, now that's a great idea! I hope he seriously considers it! (You can tell him to e-mail me if he needs help in *secretly* planning it.) :-)

Congratulations, Courtney! We are very happy for you!!!

zds said...

Hey David and Tou!

Can you eat the fruit of the coffee cherry??

Tou and David said...

Hey Zach,

Yes, you certainly can. However, there isn't much fruit there. The coffee seeds take up almost all the space in the fruit. The best you can do is kind of suck on the seeds and get the flavor of it. Very sweet.

How are things going with you? Any coffee where you're at?